Anonymity of JnNBK

Please understand my anonymity on my blog. I write of all my life's experiences and belive that I should keep my identity and the identity of the people in my life to be anonymous. I am honest with my life experiences and some may find it offensive if anyone else was to discover of their true identity. I am expelling secrets that some would feel very uncomfortable about doing and/or would not want anyone else to know the full truth of the situation. Thank-you for your understanding and respecting my wishes.


My photo
I am a divorced semi-single parent of a beautiful girl. I say "semi-single parent" as I am in a committed relationship with an amazing man(whom I refer to as "Handsome"). I'm currently battling with stints of depression caused by hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I am constantly at war with myself over the choices and decisions I make as an individual, partner & mother. I love being a mother & I am very blessed to have my daughter in many, many ways. I view myself as a survivor. I know that I am capable of surviving anything that life may toss my way. Sometimes we all need to escape from the recesses of our own mind and the best way I do that is through the beauty of mother nature & laughter. There is no better cure for the blues than a good hardy laughing session.


Feel free to leave comments on my blog or contact me directly via email at:

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Great Family Outing

I was sitting on the couch Saturday afternoon contemplating on what we can do as a family as I listened to my daughter read out loud from her first chapter book: Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus. (My daughter is enjoying the series as much as I did as a girl).

While doing this I experienced a wonderful flashback from my youth which invoked the same feelings, smells, tastes and experience as the very first time. I remembered the very first time my mother took me to the Steak Pitt. I recalled the rustic atmosphere of the restaurant, being seated right be side the dance floor and the stage (where the owner's wife played piano and sang). There was no more need to contemplate - the decision was made! I called and made reservations and luckily made them just in time for the complimentary wooden name plaque. I knew that my daughter would have a similar experience as to what I had the very first time I went and I couldn't wait for her to have it.

I told Handsome what the plan was and he was all for it (with great enthusiasm). I told my daughter that we'd be going on a small road trip to have dinner at a restaurant that she has never been too. She was excited to go some place new and try new food. We all got ready to go, once I came out from the shower; Handsome advised me that he ran into our neighbour and he would be playing at the Steak Pitt that very night! Once we were all dressed and organized we all loaded up in the truck (we choose the truck in case it snowed - which it did). I told my daughter about our neighbour playing at the restaurant and she was so excited to finally hear him play his guitar and sing.

We took the 50 minute drive out to Bragg Creek, I enjoyed the scenery as I listened to my daughter read Junie B. Jones. I found it very relaxing to watch the images float by me of trees lightly dusted with snow on their branches and the voice of my daughter as she confidently read from her book. I was content and filled with joy and awe on the ride out.

We arrived in Bragg Creek about an 95 minutes before our reservation. We went to window shop at their unique shops to pass some time. As per the norm we had to hit the Candy Shoppe for Handsome and Monster to load up on all of their sugar needs. After that we still had about 45 minutes to pass before our reservations - so we decided to take the minor drive out to Elbow falls (a spot where we go to regularly in the summer for minor hiking and enjoy the beauty of nature out their). Again, I enjoyed relaxing with my daughter reading in the back seat and watching the winter scenes of the forests pass buy.

We finally got to the restaurant a bit early and was given the choice on where we'd like to sit. I allowed my daughter to choose and she decided on a table located right on the dance floor with a great view of the stage. Our neighbour came up and chatted with us; stating he was glad we came and was excited to perform for my daughter.  My daughter had a great time; she was so good at a formal setting, enjoying a great meal that lasted 2 1/2 hours, she was fascinated by the fish pond, the music, the food and the rustic look of the restuarant. She was astouned by the tree trunks that were used as support beams and she loved the fact that she now has a rustic name plaque carved just for her.

It was a wonderful night out with music, great food, and the best company one can seek - family. I was glad and proud that I could offer such an experience for my daughter; a fond memory to go in our family adventures file.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is There a Price on One's Health?

I personally have had one sinus infection in my life and believe that it was one too many. My daughter has had 14 sinus infections in the last two years! I am trying to find out what is causing my daughter to suffer from these. She is currently scheduled to go in for allergy testing in April. (Yes, I am anxious and nervous for the testing; I do not believe it will be a fun experience but more of a traumatic one for my daughter and I). I am almost positive that we will discover that my daughter suffers from allergies, primarily dust and smoke.

Last weekend I took my income tax return and spent money on a top rated and hospital approved air purifier. As I rent and not own, I didn't want to go through the expense of installing a permanent system to my furnace and decided to get two portable ones. I went with IQ Air: Healthpro Plus Purifiers. I was shocked at the result. Within 24 hours of having the units run constantly, might daughter woke up to being able to breathe through her nose (which was the first time in over two years) and the dark marks under her eyes were almost gone. I have even noticed the difference in the air quality myself - I don't wake up so stuffy in the mornings now.

When we were out purchasing these units, my daughter asked me why I am spending so much money on just her. I told her that there is no amount of money that would be too much for me to spend to ensure her health, safety and well being. She turned around and thanked me for loving her so much to do whatever is needed to make her feel better (it made my eyes water).

Is there really a price limit for a child's health, safety or well being? In my books, there is not. I would climb mountains, cross oceans and do whatever was needed to do to make sure my daughter is healthy, safe, secure and protected with my love for her.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Weight Loss Update

I went in for my weekly weigh-in yesterday and I was amazed! In one week I have managed to loose 5 pounds!

I have now lost 6 pounds in two weeks! Look at me go; with my dedication and determination I have succeeded in achieving my goals and over excelling.

The six pounds have given me the confidence and motivation to continue down this journey. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To Buy? Or Not to Buy?

The last couple of days are a bit of a daze for me. My daughter has been home ill again.   It made me thing about how often she does become ill (and especially since we moved to the townhouse). It has been quite a lot. Last September she had her adnoids and tonsils out and for a bit she seemed to have a huge improvement. But one would think that after the procedure she wouldn’t continue to have issues with clogged up sinuses and a stuffy nose 24/7.
In April she goes for allergy testing that we have been patiently awaiting for almost a full year now.  Once that is done I am confident that we will discover that she suffers from allergies and what they are so that we can make her symptoms improve.  
One of the issues that leads to her aliments is the fact that our house frequently smells of marihuana (as our neighbour’s hot box their unit and then it seeps through our walls; which gives me a headache and my daughter a horrific migraine and sore stomach). Handsome and I were discussing this issue and thought the only real solution was to move. If we were to move and have to pay higher rent; then why not look into buying our own place and pay into our own equity. 
So me being me, I became proactive and called a mortgage broker to see what we can qualify. Unfortunately, Handsome’s credit was not up to par to qualify for a “no down mortgage” but I was. So we were told the maximum purchase price amount that I was pre-approved for and I got excited.  I could own again! I got struck by the purchasing bug and was looking at real estate online, viewing places and getting all hyped up about buying. 
I fell in love with a little Townhouse and Handsome liked it and saw huge potential as an investment and re-sale property for us. Once I had a second to sit back, breathe and think fully about this possible financial commitment; I did some number crunching and reality hit me hard. Sure I could afford to own once again but at what price and hardship.

If I was to buy I would be house poor and do I truly want to be in that position again? Sure I could provide my daughter with a beautiful home to call ours; but could she continue to take Jazz? Could we go on all of our planned camping trips? Could I even take her swimming or to a movie as a special treat occasionally? Nope not at all and that was something I was willing to sacrifice just quite yet.
So as a result I have decided to invest in a high quality air purifying system for the house and a furnace humidifier to help her skin and relieve her nose bleeds. Paying $3,000 for this is way better then having no real life outside of a new house seems to be the best option for us at this time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Weight Loss Update

I was nervous and stressed yesterday for majority of the day knowing that my weigh-in was looming over my head ... at 7:00 I had to step on the scale, my heart rate picking up in pace, closing my eyes while taking a deep breath; I found the courage to look down to see what my work for the past week accomplished.

I lost a pound! Yes, again, a pound! I have accomplished my weekly goal to loose a pound. I also accomplished my weekly goals to work out daily and I watched the type of food that I ate and kept a food journal.

What I have learned this week was that astonishingly I was drinking majority of my calorie intake! I was absolutely shocked to discover how many calories I was consuming with drinks (especially my Tim Horton's "Crack" Coffee). Now that I am aware, I have to be careful and very diligent not to consume as many coffee's  from Timmy Ho's! It is now a treat that I have to balance out with my calorie intake for the day and to compensate for with my workouts. I will have to recondition my habits and reduce HUGE the amount of that I have within a week.

I love my Tim's Coffee (which majority of Canadians are addicted too). It will be hard but I have faith in myself that I will succeed. I can do anything that I put my mind too and I am determined enough to stick it out and change my lifestyle to accomplish my goals and maintain it for life.

I am so happy that I accomplish my goals for the week. I am proud that I was dedicated and triumphant! I feel good about myself and have a bit more confidence for this upcoming week!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Postive Thinking vs. Negative Facts

This is a Picture of My Daughter
This picture always brings a SMILE
to my face ... knowing that even a small
child takes time to ponder life!

Sometimes I to take a moment to reflect back on my life and focus on all of the positive choices and accomplishments that I have done. I believe that it is important that we take a moment to mentally focus on all of our positive traits, qualities and skills.

Lately, society focuses way to much on all the negative aspects of life that it brings individuals down. How we can correct this? Well, I believe we can by changing our way of thinking. If we take time to look upon all the things that are positive instead of focusing on all the stuff that is negative we maybe able to avoid being lead by media and society to focus on only the negative things.

For example, I am carefully watching what I am eating, devotedly working out and trying my hardest to loose weight. Yesterday, I had a bit of a slip. I went out with my best friend and our daughters for dessert. Originally, I had no intention of eating any dessert (I just wanted the outing and the company). But, as you guessed it, I caved and split a very naughty treat with my friend.

Instead of feeling guilty and negative for my slip; I remembered that I am human and humans can make mistakes - in is our nature. Now what could I possibly see that would be positive from the fact that I slipped up on my diet? Well, I went home and began to feel guilty and I told myself "STOP" and decided that yes I had a naughty treat but I will take the extra effort and spend twice as much time on my elliptical machine to counter it. 

While working out, I reflected on the situation and I learned that I have a weakness for chocolate goodies and that even though I had a slip - I did, however, go for almost two weeks with no chocolate sweets! That in the last two weeks I have managed to work out every day consistently, been careful on what types of food I put into my body and woke up every morning focusing on that day and what I could accomplish with my determination!  

By focusing on the positive things that I have been able to accomplish (even if it was small and some-what insignificant) I have been able to elevate my mood and motivate myself to continue to fight my way through life for another day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Be Thin By Motivation"

I have been reading a book for motivation and insight on how to be successful at losing weight and obtaining you ideal weight goal. It is called Be Thin Through Motivation by Maurice Larocque MD. I have found it very interesting with the statistics on the health risks associated with being over weight and obesity and the stories of individuals trying to loose weight. I has made me aware of mental blocks that could prevent one from obtaining weight loss.

That we can re-program ourselves from the negative thinking that can create mental blocks and re-program our self image. I have to admit that my self image has been low ever since my marriage and divorce. I guess I will need to use and practice the techniques given with in this book to help me rebuild my self image.

Every day is a new day, filled with lots of potential to succeed. I know that I may have an up hill battle ahead of me; but I am confident that I will reach the top. I will succeed in obtaining my weight loss goals. I can and will do anything that I have determined to do. I will feel happy and content with each and every pound I loose. I can not wait to feel light, healthy, slender and sexy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nice Trip & Being a Good Person

Well we are travelling back home to grab our dog from the in-laws to then rush home to meet my folks; then we are off to my brothers to celebrate my nieces' birthdays.

We had a blast yesterday with swimming, dinner out and chilling in the room with treats. We all stayed up extremely late to get up really early this morning. We are a bit sleep deprived and now we have to go to a family function.

Handsome and I have some reservations as my brother and his wife decided to take their girls to Disneyland ahead of schedule. The original plan was to go as a huge family unit when our first Born's were at the age of 8 but they decided not to wait. Also, last year we spent about $120.00 on my niece's birthday presents to have my daughter receive gifts from a dollar store for her birthday (which probably didn't amount to $10.00). I was hurt and the original plan was to do the same this year; but I can not succumb myself to scoop that low. However, there was a smaller budget for my daughter to go shopping for their presents this time around. 

Sometimes, I wish that I could be petty like some people but in the end I can never do it. It is just not in my persona to be that small or hurtful. Live and let live. It does make me feel good to know that I am the better person but there are times when I have had too much of all the crap and desire to make a point ... but never can.

So with a smile on our faces we will be off to the family dinner gathering and nothing will be said or done. I guess at least I am teaching my daughter important morals by my actions. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spontaneous Road Trip!

I am famous for spontaneous road trips. I enjoy packing up and going for a good drive. I love to drive, look at the scenery, talk and laugh (it is a great stress relief for me). 

Today, started as a typical Saturday in our world. All that had to be done was to take my daughter shopping for my nieces birthday presents (as tomorrow is the family dinner for their birthdays). Once, we got that task done; I was thinking .... what on earth will we do today?

I decided we should go somewhere where there is a hotel with a water park. So, I logged on line and did a google search. I found a great price at the Ramada Inn out in Lethbridge. Sure there isn't much overly spectacular to do in Lethbridge. But it is a nice two hour drive away and the hotel has 400,000 square foot water park, wave pool and slides. 

So the man and I decided we will take a family night mini vacation there. We will go swimming with my daughter and the hotel has a movie package! So after swimming to our hearts content we will go for dinner then partake in the movie package (which includes a movie that is in the theatres, a HUGE bowl of popcorn, licorice, chocolate bars and pop).

My daughter loves to stay out at a hotel. She likes being about to stay up late and sleep in the same room as  mommy. It will be a nice fun evening for the family!

We are all excited! On the road now, the man is driving ... going to enjoy the scenery and talk with my man while my daughter watches a movie on her portable DVD player (which comes in handy for the long road trips).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Self Motivation to Obtain my Ideal Weight

Each day I will have to visualize myself at my ideal weight, imagine how I will feel being at this weight. Remind myself of all the health benefits I will gain by achieving this goal. I will need to constantly motivate myself to obtain my goal and that with work, dedication and will power I will achieve my ideal weight.

I have pasted a picture on my treadmill and another onto my elliptical machine of myself when I was at my ideal weight. I will focus on these images as I workout. Thinking of all the positive accomplishments that I have done that day towards obtaining my goal.

I will shed these excess pounds. I will become more active. I will re-program myself to have a healthier way of eating and life style in general. I will obtain my goal weight and will feel amazing each day that I stick to a proper and healthy diet with regular daily exercise.

I have faith in myself that I will accomplish this goal and my success will reward me with a slender fit body that is healthy and operating at it's best!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rock and A Hard Place

What I do not understand is why some people believe it is okay to take out their frustrations with life on loved ones. I know that if I have had a particularly crappy day at work or if I have a case of the blues that I become quiet (withdrawn); this way I do not say or do anything to my loved ones that I might regret or would make them feel bad.

I find it very hard to see others mistreat loved ones because they themselves are in a funk. I struggle to stay mutual when my father is being a prick (border-line verbally abusive) to my mother. I know from experience what my mother is going through and how it adds to depression and wears away your self esteem. Whenever I see my mom she looks more and more fragile and extremely worn down. She breaks down and purges everything on me (which I understand as she feels alone and has no one really to talk too). I am experiencing strong anger and hatred for the situation and towards my father for what he has been saying to my mother.

I am struggling to decide on whether I should stepping in and say something to my dad about his behaviour. I have sat back idly for a bit now (in hopes that things would improve) but it just seems to be getting worse. I know that my mom needs the support and for someone to say to my father "What the f*ck?! What is your problem?"

I find myself in a real hard position - I don't want to disrespect a parent but at the same time my loyalty is to my mother (after all she was the one that raised me and my father wasn't a major party of my developmental years when my folks were divorced).

The next time that he goes off on one of his rants when I am around - I will say something and but him in his place. Because right now he is of the opinion that he is not doing anything wrong and that my mother is just being over sensitive. Well, that sure is NOT the case and he needs to have his eyes opened.