Anonymity of JnNBK

Please understand my anonymity on my blog. I write of all my life's experiences and belive that I should keep my identity and the identity of the people in my life to be anonymous. I am honest with my life experiences and some may find it offensive if anyone else was to discover of their true identity. I am expelling secrets that some would feel very uncomfortable about doing and/or would not want anyone else to know the full truth of the situation. Thank-you for your understanding and respecting my wishes.


My photo
I am a divorced semi-single parent of a beautiful girl. I say "semi-single parent" as I am in a committed relationship with an amazing man(whom I refer to as "Handsome"). I'm currently battling with stints of depression caused by hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I am constantly at war with myself over the choices and decisions I make as an individual, partner & mother. I love being a mother & I am very blessed to have my daughter in many, many ways. I view myself as a survivor. I know that I am capable of surviving anything that life may toss my way. Sometimes we all need to escape from the recesses of our own mind and the best way I do that is through the beauty of mother nature & laughter. There is no better cure for the blues than a good hardy laughing session.


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Bye-Bye Winter!

I am starting to get tired of the cold, bleak winter weather; I have enjoyed the winter we have had but now I have had enough of it. I want the spring to come. I want to see the grass turning green, the trees budding with life. I want to spend time going to the garden centers while my daughter picks out flower seeds to plant and then be out doors helping her to plan out and plant her garden. I long to be able to have a nice long walk on a warm evening after work (which would be a welcomed change to my treadmill). I want the warmer weather to come so that we can go back out to the lake and camp to our hearts content.

I love being out at the lake. I love the quietness, the serenity; to just be in amongst mother nature enjoying the sounds, the scents and the quiet calm of having nothing pressing to do. To just sit, relax, listen to the pole-pine trees softly knock in the wind and enjoy the fact that the only pressing concern I'd have would be what to do for the day (should we take a hike, go to the lake for a swim, paint, read or quad)?

I am done being a hermit of sorts, and I am eager to spend majority of my time outdoors - picnics, hikes, parks, our adventurous drives that always lead us somewhere new and exciting. I want the sun to come out and warm up my face and my soul.

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