The story is about the main character, Kaylee Cavanaugh, who lives with her Uncle Brendon, Aunt Val and her snotty brat cousin, Sophie. Kaylee is also estranged from her father, Aiden, who lives in Ireland. She attends the local high school with Sophie, her best friend, Emma Marshall, and the mysterious and irresistible chic magnet, Nash Hudson. Within the next four hectic, chaotic and emotional days Kaylee will discover that she, in fact, is not your average or ordinary teenage girl and that her life is about to become very strange very fast.
Struggling to contain the earsplitting scream that instinctively claws inside her throat striving to get out. Nash and Emma manage to get Kaylee out of the club then calm her down from her panic attack. Concerned, Nash asks questions and, for some unknown reason, Kaylee discloses what she could never tell before - not even to her best friend.
The next morning it is all over the local news -- the strawberry-blonde, Heidi Anderson, was found dead in the dance club's bathroom. Later on that evening Kaylee becomes aware that another teenage girl collapsed dead in a movie theatre. Is this just a coincidence? Kaylee doesn't feel like it is and senses that something is terribly wrong. While Kaylee comes to grips with the fact that her panic attacks are more than just that - that they're, in fact, morbid premonitions of death. Nash seems to understand more about what is happening to Kaylee more tthan what seems to be possible.
The following day, Kaylee, Emma and Nash are discussing the odd similarities of these two girls deaths when Kaylee, again, is struck with a premonition that another girl is about to die. As Kaylee scans the crowd her line of vision focuses on one girl in particular as she is cloaked in those eerily dark shadows. Minutes later that same girl collapses dead.
Kaylee's suspicions are growing and too many questions come to mind. Nash has the answers to a few and believes he knows someone that may know the answers to the rest ... Tod, a brooding, sarcastic, rookie Reaper.
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