I will love and nurture you to the end of all days. I will always love you even if I’m not overly fond of you at a particular moment in time, or when I don’t like that things you say or when you have broken the rules and have done something bad. My love for you will be unconditional and constant no matter the circumstances. My love for you will always allow me to forgive your lack of listening skills, failure to comply with my rules and wishes and when dealing with your anger.
I will do whatever it takes to ensure that you are safe, that you have a roof over your head, that you always have food to eat, that you will always be clean, warm and dry. I promise to have a safe, calm home for you to grow, learn, expand and explore you creativity, individuality and ambitions free of fear and judgment.
I promise to do my damnedest to ensure that you are happy; but on the off chance that you ever become sad I will be there to comfort and console you. I will assist you in coping with any emotions that you may feel and understand that you are entitled to have those feelings (even if I deem them unfounded, in my opinion) and if I can not do that on my own I will ensure that I will find somebody that can no matter what the cost may be.
I will encourage that you express your opinions, beliefs and feelings - and I will listen to the same and take them into consideration before making a parental judgment call. I swear that any choices I make will always be in your best interest through hell or high water.
I promise to cradle and encourage your creativity, imagination, uniqueness and individuality. Even if I do not agree I promise to let you be yourself. I promise to allow you the right to be heard, taken seriously and to make your own mistakes.
I will always love you and be proud of you no matter what has occurred. I may get frustrated because you may not listen to my advice or not seek my advice in decisions you might make but I will always have my arms open wide for you to confide in and a shoulder for you to cry on. I will support you in all that you do or not do. I will be patient and understanding in any choices that you make and assist you in any way that I can with any outcome and/or consequences of your decisions.
I swear to always tell you the truth - may it be guarded to protect your developing mind and character. I will not withhold the truth from you completely - I may advise you that I will not go into detail until you’ve reached an appropriate age to grasp the whole concept.
I promise to be consistent and never to give false threats. I will be firm to prevent you from forming bad habits. I will work hard to mold you to become a smart, polite, confident and independent individual. I will never make you feel small, insignificant, unwanted or unloved. I will give you my all but I am human and therefore imperfect and I too can make mistakes as well as any other. I promise to strive to be the best mom that I can be with huge amounts of love, faith and trust in you, my beloved daughter to be.